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Showing posts from August, 2014

Greek Cinema

Greek Cinema-Luton, a film by Michalis Konstantatos "Now more than ever we need to talk to each other, to listen to each other and understand how we see the world, and cinema is the best medium for doing this." Martin Scorcese There's something quite distinct that happens when you view so many films in one sitting.  A theme seems to surface,  or perhaps a symbol, or even a particular colour, whereby you could swear that the filmmakers were all working from a universal mindset.  The New Wave of Greek Cinema is dark, grey, troubled, full of turmoil and characters that are detached and uncomfortable in their chosen landscape, never at peace or at one with their surroundings.  There is a constant sadistic element to the New Wave of Greek Cinema and I wonder if the pain of the population during the crises has desensitised violence and procured sadism, validating it within the realm of cinema, for a hurt society needs to lash out somewhat.  At times, i...

The Melbourne Art Fair

The Melbourne Art Fair No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist. Oscar Wilde With any sort of creative occupation it is imperative that art becomes a part of one's daily existence so as to feed that artistic streak within.  It doesn't matter what that occupation is, writer, poet, filmmaker, painter, dancer, actor and the list can go on.  What is important is the stimulation to further the creations that comes from confronting all art forms.  Inspiration will transpire, and with that in mind I visited the Melbourne Art Fair. It has been running for 25 years now and it covers a cross section of the region's art.  Galleries from all over the world can participate to show case their artists, and the art fair becomes a glimpse of the current state of the world, even for a moment. As a filmmaker I wanted to see what  artists are creating and why.  For me it is essential to understand the psyche ...