Marrying your craft "Where there is love, there is life." Mahatma Gandhi Often I think of the commitment to one's art, the passion that is involved and the headiness associated with creation that it always brings me to the one conclusion that it really is a marriage of sorts. I cannot anthropomorphise art, but I can attest that to delve into creation one's complete being has to be given over in all capacity of mind and body. It becomes a union, there is no doubt about it, all consuming, like a lover's glance at the very beginning of a relationship when euphoria takes over, only with art, this euphoric state lasts for a life time. I pretend that art or creation does not infiltrate my entire life, that I have normality around me, but here is where I lie. I must accept that when I am creating I am all consumed, and when I am not, I am still all consumed. To others, it looks like a vagueness, a far away state, my head elsewhere, my head in the clouds, and I...