Migrant Stories "I grew up in an immigrant neighborhood. We just knew the rule was you're going to have to work twice as hard." Lin-Manuel Miranda Twice as hard in anything that you have to do, that is what being a migrant is all about. I arrived in Australia as a baby, so in a lot of ways, it is as if I was born in this country, but not quite. I lived in a world that was inherently Greek, with a work ethic that was austere, and as a little girl I had to follow suite to make sure that I was able to keep up. My parents worked in factories, as hard as any other migrant who arrived in Australia. They had a goal, and that was to save for a house, for without owning a house the rest cannot follow, priority number one. Priority number two fell on me, and that was to study hard. "Να διαβάσεις" Sometimes I had to create extra work for myself, pretending that Enid Blyton was on the curriculum, or that the poster sprawled...