"Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak, and to speak well, are two things." Ben Jonson 1641 When I have formulated the idea for a story in my head and I begin to organise the major events as experienced by the main characters, I begin to think about the dialogue. What will the characters be speaking about? How will their dialogue drive the story forward? Is what they say interesting? Ultimately how will they speak, and will they speak well? It is quite hard to understand what speaking well is, and this can come from a process. In earlier blogs I have written about the importance of writing without the blocks or the constraints. I see scripts and dialogue in the same way, write as you think it is to be said. It will never be right the first time, in fact if it is I'd place you in the genius compartment. But write as you think it should be said, that way the crux of the dialogue will become evident, and by this I mean th...