“The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.”
Daniel Defoe
Creativity in
Western Society
I worry when I look around me at the lack of creativity in our
Western society. Now in order that I can articulate this correctly,
it goes something like this. Our western society encourages
individualism and pre determination, it has to, because it is what
the whole basis of democracy and capitalism is based on. The economy
encourages individuals to think outside of the box so that they will
flourish as independent economic leaders. It stops here though,
because an individual cannot think outside of the box when their soul
is not nourished. The soul is the essence of the individual
and in order for it
become individualised and healthy, it needs to be creative. Our
Western culture seeks religion to satisfy the growth of the soul and
therein lies the problem. Religion does not feed the soul, nor can
the answers be found there. Religion serves as a community support
system, but it wrongly purports that in order that a soul is to be
nourished, it will be religion that will be able to do that.
I look to the
Communist states and the renouncing of religion and I see incredible
writers, poets, philosophers, engineers, filmmakers come out of these
states. Russia has produced a phenomenal amount of important
creatives; the names are too many. Has the fact that this society
asked individuals to look into themselves for creative purposes, as
opposed to looking to religion made this a point of difference?
Religion has a place and a stance, and I'm not making any comments on
the economic viability of one system over another, I am simply
commenting on the formation, creation, development of the soul, and
if religion is really a necessary element in the fostering of this.
I think not. The soul is the essence of every individual human, and the soul needs to be
nourished and the only way that it can do this successfully is
through creative practice. Eliminate the creative practice from a
human, replace it with dogmatism and didacticism of sorts and the
soul diminishes.

A Soul Brought to Heaven, William Adolphe-Bouguereau-1878 distinguishes it from other cakes. That is the soul.
What happens to the soul when we die then? Well, the blueprint of the soul
remains, call it the legacy, the creativity that had been made,
formed, played with in life. For the cake, it is the recipe that
lasts. The analogy might be a little far fetched, but I see
So, as with the
vanilla essence, one's soul is the final element in the formation of
the individual. Take the vanilla essence away and the cake is bland,
take the soul away and the individual is bland.
I strongly feel that
this is why there is such a major problem with creativity in the Western world.
Too many people's souls are not nourished enough. Religion cannot be the sole feeder to the soul. Art, dancing, films, stories, can and will suffice nicely, and even better for the soul is when the individual embarks on a creative process to make these all happen in some form or another. If creativity
became a natural part of everyone's life then life would be
different. It doesn't matter what that creativity looks like for each person, but it should exist as a priority, it is after all, food for the soul, and the latter, a diamond in the making.
Stella Dimadis
July 2015
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