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'Kindle a light in the Darkness'

'Kindle a light in darkness'

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.' Carl Gustav Jung, 1962

The world as we know it has disappeared forever, and there will be a different world, it may be a better one or not, we can only wish, but in this dystopian time we have the ability to make the changes that will be needed to make it a better one.  I liken it to an all evolving work of pottery, that is spinning and shaping well, until it doesn't anymore and it collapses in a heap; huge mess.  This is what our world could be doing now, spinning, moulding, but collapsing in front of us.  It is probably time to envisage what a perfect world will look like, and what is needed to shape it into a utopian world.  It could be the time to ask and reflect on what is needed to make that happen.  It is up to us, ultimately, possibly as a collective, but inherently, the responsibility lies in each and every one of us.  It is not about group numbers anymore, it is up to each and every one of us.  We all have a responsibility to respect ourselves and each other.  We cannot be in this together when so many are not.

The demonstrations in Melbourne, on top of a pandemic, on top of a lockdown, on top of a state that is trying to educate people that vaccinations will make the difference to opening up and keeping everyone safe has become bewildering.  These same people want safety and protection yet are rejecting the science on every level, somehow it has become about Freedom.  What people fail to realise is that the Virus cornered everyone behind bars a long time ago  regardless of any state directives.  Chants that 'My Immune system can fight it', paves the way for a reshuffle in state hospitals to be able to accommodate the swell in projected numbers of those that will become very sick and or die and or suffer the consequences of long Covid.   Today, Thursday the 23rd of September there were 744 cases in Victoria, The Burnet Institute modelling indicates that Victoria will hit a peak of 1,400 to 2,900 cases between October 10 and October 31.  Freedom is never synonymous with a Virus, nor is Freedom worthy of enjoyment six feet under.  At what point did an ideology or concept try to gain momentum over science and fact? At the core it is fear driving most of these extremities in behaviour.  Fear of compassion.  

The Pandemic has left individuals feeling anxious about their safety and when stresses procure depression a fear for compassion could develop; a fear for compassion for others and self.  So, no matter what safety measures are put in place the fear of compassion is prominent. Gilbert, McEwan, Maros and Rivis, in their study 'Fears of compassion: Development of three self-report measures' indicate that 'Fear of compassion for self was linked to fear of compassion from others, and both were associated with self coldness, self-criticism, insecure attachment, and depression, anxiety and stress'. To perhaps address the mental impacts of the Pandemic is the step in the right direction to help curb the violent protests and extreme ideologies which have afflicted Melbourne, and the overall country.  

This darkness and grim point in history will not last forever, nothing ever really does.  The pain of the Pandemic swept over so many people so quickly that there has not been enough time to process the reality other than be washed over by feelings of helplessness.  Compassion for self and seeking help is key.  It will be a time of a new beginning and it is a time to forge out what our new world can look like. It is where,  put simply, we can blow on the embers to kindle a light, and together we can get through this.

Image: Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Stella Grammenos-Dimadis

23rd September, 2021.



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