Art in its perfection is not ostentatious; it lies hid, and works its effect, itself unseen.-Joshua Reynolds 1774
From the moment that my prep teacher
gave me some crayons and butcher paper at the age of five, without a
word of English to be able to communicate to her and say 'thank you'
I immediately gained an understanding of the universal language of
I found freedom. Whereas before I was
constrained in being able to express myself I now had the tools to
tell, what seemed to me to be the world, what I was seeing, feeling,
noticing and appreciating. I was given wings in the true sense of
the word. I began to fly and from that moment onwards I never
Creating all forms of art for me is how
I function, mentally and physically; it is my way to express myself
in all aspects of life. Thus at five years of age my passion for the
Arts was formed and has stayed with me ever since.
It makes sense to note that when
Winston Churchill was asked to cut arts funding in favour of the war
effort, he simply replied, 'Then what are we fighting for?"
Fighting for the arts and its merits is what I do on a daily basis
for a society cannot exist without it, embellishing its every facet
and factor, moving closely alongside science, philosophy and
technology to make the world a better place.
Historically the arts have been at the
centre of all major civilisations of the world and Australia should
not be any different, looking at the Aboriginal contributions to the
Arts and meshing this with Contemporary artistic thought will elevate
Australian sensibility holistically and spiritually and bind a
community that may at times feel isolated from the rest of the world.
I see the importance everywhere and for that I will continue to
support artists, filmmakers, and writers in any way that I can. If
it is simply to view their works then that's what I do. Life as
an artist is not easy, yet life without the arts cannot function so
how does something of so much importance make it so hard for those
that are working at it daily? This really doesn't make sense.
In the next day or so I will be
launching the Pozible campaign for 25.12; a new short film that I
have been working on which has excited me no end up to this point.
The gist of the story-one man who finds himself all alone on
Christmas day. One thing is certain though, my passion is ignited yet once again as I find myself embroiled in the act of creating.
As Mandela said... "There is no
passion to be found playing small-in settling for a life that is less
than the one you are capable of living." Nelson Mandela
Stella Dimadis 2014
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